Portfolio SitePhotography site


Photosite is a website developed using WordPress, a Content Management System. It displays the different photos that our client took at the places visited in different continents like Europe, America, Asia and Africa. The website displays her skills in photography and also provide a platform through which people can hire her and get tips on how to prepare themselves when travelling.


Our client is an experienced photographer who had lots of material but lacked a way of displaying it. This created a need for a website that would show-case the content. Not only would it display the content,  but also show the specific locations where the photos were taken from and a brief description of the photos.

Apart from the need to display the content, the client also needed a platform to connect and reach a wider audience that would need her services.


  1. Understanding all the features to make the right changes.
  2. We created a plugin to locate all the countries where the pictures were taken.
  3. We designed a section with open on hover effect which allow the visitor to see more info’s about the picture.


  1. A well responsive and easy to navigate website; the website is fast when the user is navigating between pages and the images are fast loading.
  2. User friendly and mobile compatible website; Photosite is built to maintain its beauty and order on different mobile devices.
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Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.

Steve Jobs

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